What to Expect?
I operate from a private in home fitness studio in Georgetown and can connect with you virtually through Skype or Whatsapp. After the assessment, we determine how often you would like to train with me, then set your 'time slots', on your specific days. That way, each week you know that on that day, at that time, you have committed to becoming a healthier, happier you! When things come up, we can always reschedule to accommodate your commitments.
Prior to beginning your first personal training session, a physical assessment is performed. (for details please see physical assessment)
I perform this assessment to ascertain your current level of fitness, as well as what compensations (please see physical assessment for explanation of compensations) your body presents through its bio-mechanics. For example, if you have limited range of motion (ROM) in your shoulders and cannot reach behind your back. When squatting/bending down, do you list to one side or the other?
Not to denigrate the big box gyms, however they will often assess that your are female/male, age X, approximate body type and then proceed to provide your with program F5 or M3. This will be a generic program and not address what your body needs bio-mechanically. So, you may continue to have the same problems with your back, hips, knees, shoulder, etc. Since each of us is different, there is no 'one size fits all' fitness program. I take the information from my assessment to determine what your body needs to function well and fuse it together with your goals; to provide a program, or series of programs that is specific to YOU and your needs. I incorporate activities that you 'enjoy', that will benefit your body.
What is Functional Fitness?
Functional Fitness is a series of movements that will benefit your body. It will correct compensations, wake up muscles that have been on a coffee break (possibly for years), get your stabilizing muscles firing and train them to balance in all situations. So often stabilization muscles, or balance in general, are overlooked. However, balance and stability and two of the most important elements of our day to day movement.
If you train those stabilizing muscles to balance on things such as a Bosu ball (pictured) doing various activities to through you off balance, your body will be trained to keep you standing/upright, rather than lose your balance. You will be able to quickly react when you hit a patch of ice under the snow, catch the corner of a rug, hit a divet in the grass, step on a rock/pebble, or any other series of common events that happen regularly, that make you lose your footing. Avoiding the fall is avoiding the injury.
When you've had an injury, such as rolling an ankle, you confuse the proprioceptors. They don't return to their uninterrupted state, without help. This is where functional fitness comes in.
What is a Proprioceptor?
Proprioception, also referred to as kinaesthesia (or kinesthesia), is the sense of self-movement and body position.
Proprioception is mediated by proprioceptors, mechanosensory neurons located within muscles, tendons, and joints. There are multiple types of proprioceptors, which are activated during distinct behaviors and encode distinct types of information: limb velocity and movement, load on a limb, and limb limits.
The central nervous system integrates proprioception and other sensory systems, such as vision and the vestibular system, to create an overall representation of body position, movement, and acceleration.
So all that Wikipedia definition above means is: that proprioceptors are little messengers that live in all layers of your connective tissue; such as muscles, fascia, bones, tendons, ligaments, etc. When they are functioning correctly, without disruption, they tell the brain where parts of the body are in relation to other parts of the body, through your nerves/central nervous system.
For example: in the case of the ankle, they will tell your brain that your ankle it bent, pointing your toes towards your face, or that you're pointing your toes down to the floor, or that you're hooking your foot in towards the center of your body, etc.
It is what the body uses when we hit an unstable surface (pebble on your path, divet in the sidewalk/grass, uneven ground, etc.), to attempt to keep you upright.
What is your Vestibular system?
The vestibular system is part of the inner ear. In most mammals, it is the sensory system that provides the leading contribution to the sense of balance and spatial orientation for the purpose of coordinating movement with balance. Together with the cochlea, a part of the auditory system, it constitutes the labyrinth of the inner ear in most mammals.
The vestibular system sends signals primarily to the neural structures that control eye movement; these provide the anatomical basis of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, which is required for clear vision. Signals are also sent to the muscles that keep an animal upright and in general control posture; these provide the anatomical means required to enable an animal to maintain its desired position in space.
The brain uses information from the vestibular system in the head and from proprioception throughout the body to enable the mammal to understand its body's dynamics and kinematics (including its position and acceleration) from moment to moment.
All that Wikipedia definition means is that our vestibular system is our sensory perception of our surroundings and our relationship to them. It will be the system engaged when you're driving in a car and the scenery is passing you by quickly. In this example, your eyes process the sensory information coming into them from the surroundings and determine that you are in motion at varying speeds. We also have inner ear crystals that can affect our balance and sensory input.
What is Palpation?
I operate from a private in home fitness studio in Georgetown. After the assessment, we run through a series of programs, incrementally increasing the level of difficulty; which ensures that you're always being challenged and progressing.
I will palpate (a technique using two fingers to lightly tap on the muscle that has disconnected from the brain) the muscle in question, during an exercise to engage the muscle. Palpation will wake up the muscle, just like tapping a sleeping person on the shoulder.
Over time, through kinesthetic connection, I will rewire the circuitry of the brain and reconnect it to the "sleeping" muscle(s) through new synapses.
We have learned through neuroscience that reprogramming of the synaptic connections/neurons in the brain, can be achieved due to neuroplasticity. Covered by the CBC, plus in the linked video from Steve Paikin's The Agenda, Dr. Norman Doidge discusses the brain's capacity to rewire itself. He has books/documentaries that explain in greater detail.
What to expect?
I operate from a private in home fitness studio in Georgetown. After the assessment, we run through a series of programs, incrementally increasing the level of difficulty; which ensures that you're always being challenged and progressing.
There is no option to work out without a training session appointment. So you will always have the gym to yourself during your sessions. Backyard sessions are also available. (weather permitting)
You will be provided with a fresh gym towel upon arrival, which can be deposited into the laundry bin when you leave. One less thing to worry about.
I have a Bowflex Max Trainer, which offers bilateral resistance (both directions). It's like an elliptical and a StairMaster combined. I also have free weights/dumbells, kettle bells, medicine balls, sliders, resistance bands, Bosu balls, stability balls, risers and steps, balance cushion, agility ladder, hurdles, foam rollers, etc. Plus fans to cool you down.
Rewire Your Brain!
Increase Your Balance!
Bowflex Max Trainer (which offers bilateral resistance (both directions). It's like an elliptical and a StairMaster combined.)
Free weights/Dumbells
Kettle Bells
Medicine Balls
Resistance Bands
Bosu Balls
Stability Balls
Risers and Steps
Balance Cushion
Agility Ladder
Foam Rollers
Lacrosse Balls
Plus FANS to cool you down.
Fresh TOWEL every session.